Gathering your Registration Particulars is crucial for the OIC’s registration process.

Our Self-Register Toolkit enables you to register with just one click.

Easy to use

This toolkit provides step-by-step guidance throughout the registration process and generates a final document.

Get compliant

Failure to register as a data controller with the OIC can lead to severe penalties as prescribed by the Data Protection Act.

Get professional help

Seeking the assistance of a Data Privacy expert or utilizing our
comprehensive self-register toolkit can be beneficial in ensuring a smooth
and compliant registration process.

High Priority Registration Categories (June 1 - August 31, 2024)

  • Public Authorities
  • Data controllers processing data for 10,000+ subjects in the industries below:

       – Education

       – Finance

      – Health

     – ICT

     – Tourism and Hospitality

Who are the stakeholders of the Jamaica Data Protection Act?

Data Subject: an individual who resides in Jamaica, the subject of the personal data

Data Controller: an institution, business or a person processing personal data

Data Protection Officer (DPO): person appointed by the data controller responsible for overseeing data protection practices.

Data Processor: a person, company, or institution processing data on behalf of a data controller

Supervisory Authority: The OIC, responsible for the monitoring & implementation of the DPA

Data controllers must adhere to the Act's eight data protection standards, which are:

  1. FAIRNESS & LAWFULNESS: Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully.
  2. PURPOSE LIMITATION: Personal data shall be obtained only for specified and lawful purposes.
  3. DATA LIMITATION: Personal data shall be adequate, relevant, and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.
  4. ACCURACY: Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.
  5. STORAGE LIMITATION: Personal data shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.
  6. RIGHTS OF DATA SUBJECT: Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under the Act.
  7. TECHNICAL & ORGANIZATIONAL MEASURES: Appropriate technical and organizational measures shall be implemented to protect personal data against unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction, or damage.
  8. CROSS-BORDER TRANSFERS: Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside Jamaica unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data.


📱(876) 515-5372 | Contact us for a FREE sensitization session

The DIY Self-Registration Toolkit offers several benefits for data controllers seeking to gather their registration particulars for submission to the OIC to begin their compliance journey with the Jamaican Data Protection Act.

DIY Self-Registration Toolkit

offers several benefits


The toolkit provides comprehensive guidance and support, making it easier for your office to meet the registration requirements of the Data Protection Act. By following the toolkit’s step-by-step instructions, you can ensure that you cover all necessary aspects of the registration process.handled by your office.


The user-friendly interface of the toolkit makes it accessible even for non-technical users. You don’t need specialized technical skills to navigate through the registration process. The guided workflows provide clear instructions, ensuring that you complete each step correctly and efficiently.


Engaging consultants can be expensive, but with the toolkit, you can save on consultancy fees. The DIY approach allows you to handle the registration process internally, reducing the financial burden on your office. Additionally, the toolkit’s user-friendly interface and guided workflows help save time by simplifying the registration process.


By complying with the Data Protection Act and registering your processing activities, you demonstrate a commitment to protecting personal data. The Act is designed to safeguard individuals’ privacy, and by following its requirements, you contribute to the overall protection of personal data handled by your office.

Get your Self-Register Toolkit

Select the package that matches your need


Up to 5 Employees


6 to 20 Employees


21 to 50 Employees

Government Agencies & Enterprise

Above 50 Employees



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    MCR Services Limited
    90 Potosi Avenue
    Kingston 20
    Jamaica, W.I.
    (876) 515-8324
    Mon. - Fri. 9AM - 5PM

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